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Selim Seker, Tamer Altay, Ece Uysal, Hidayet S. Cine, Ahmed Y. Yavuz, Idris Avci
The correlation histopathological and conventional/advanced MRI techniques in glial tumors
The correlation histopathological and conventional/advanced MRI techniques in glial tumors
Samet S. Kucukosman, Ali Akdogan, Dilek Uzlu, Erdem N. Duman
Retrospective evaluation of the effects of different anesthesia methods on emergence agitation in patients undergoing vitreoretinal surgery
Retrospective evaluation of the effects of different anesthesia methods on emergence agitation in patients undergoing vitreoretinal surgery
Onur Ozener, Esin Yilmaz, Necat Yilmaz, Burhan Mayir
Sleeve gastrectomy improves HDL function examined by Apo-A1 and atherogenic indices in non-diabetic obese patients
Sleeve gastrectomy improves HDL function examined by Apo-A1 and atherogenic indices in non-diabetic obese patients
Aykut Demirci, Tuncel Uzel, Abdullah Bolat, Halil Başar
Do the ınflammatory markers have a prognostic role in an elderly patient population diagnosed with non-muscle ınvasive bladder cancer?
Do the ınflammatory markers have a prognostic role in an elderly patient population diagnosed with non-muscle ınvasive bladder cancer?
Jesús J. Rosales-de la Rosa, Salma C. Hernández-Orona, Andrea Escamilla-López, Paulina Alcocer-González-Camarena, Mario Vilatobá-Chapa, Alejandro Ramírez-del Val, Miguel A. Mercado, Ismael Domínguez-Rosado
Initial experience of minimally invasive liver resection at a reference center in Mexico
Initial experience of minimally invasive liver resection at a reference center in Mexico
Hulya Y. Ak, Kubra Taskin, Merve B. Yediyildiz, Irem Durmus, Ozlem Sezen, Baris Sandal, Banu Cevik
Comparative analysis of PECS-2 and ESP for acute and chronic pain control in breast-conserving surgery. A prospective study
Comparative analysis of PECS-2 and ESP for acute and chronic pain control in breast-conserving surgery. A prospective study
Kemine Uzel, Seda E. Keskin, Filiz Bilir, Merve Gokbayrak, Gulhan Demir, Naci Cine, Gupse Turan, Aydın Corakcı, Hakan Savlı
Comparison of cytogenetic and molecular features observed in endometrial cancers: known clinic and difficulties in treatment
Comparison of cytogenetic and molecular features observed in endometrial cancers: known clinic and difficulties in treatment
Yildiray Yildiz, Veysel Bayburtluoglu, Eda Tokat, Ali K. Yildiz, Aykut Ucar, Sebnem Erdinc, Omer G. Doluoglu
Changes in prostate specific antigen value in patients with COVID-19
Changes in prostate specific antigen value in patients with COVID-19
Hikmet Pehlevan-Özel, Tolga Dinç, Nermin D. Okay, Mesut Tez
La relación entre el índice de respuesta a la inflamación sistémica y las características clínicas e hitopatológicas en el cáncer gástrico
La relación entre el índice de respuesta a la inflamación sistémica y las características clínicas e hitopatológicas en el cáncer gástrico
José L. Olvera-Gómez, Yamileth García-Rojas, María C. Rojas-Sosa, Candy S. Márquez-Ávila, María A. Fierro-Evans
Hearing changes in pediatric cancer patients treated with cisplatin
Hearing changes in pediatric cancer patients treated with cisplatin
Rodrigo A. Gasque, Emilio G. Quiñónez, Lourdes Mollard, José G. Cervantes, Magalí Chahdi-Beltrame, Marcelo E. Lenz-Virreira, Ichiro Suzuki, Francisco J. Mattera
Hepatocellular carcinoma in a high-complexity public center in Argentina: epidemiological characteristics and therapeutic outcomes
Hepatocellular carcinoma in a high-complexity public center in Argentina: epidemiological characteristics and therapeutic outcomes
Emine Cihan, Cansu Sahbaz-Pirincci
Rehabilitation effect of manual lymphatic drainage on pain threshold and tolerance, tactile sensation, and strength
Rehabilitation effect of manual lymphatic drainage on pain threshold and tolerance, tactile sensation, and strength
Junhui Ji, Xiafang Gu, Jingjing Xu, Ke Peng, Chengjiao Xiao
Application value of opioid-free anesthesia in renal cyst decompression by laparoscopy
Application value of opioid-free anesthesia in renal cyst decompression by laparoscopy
Jibin Liu, Zongpu Wang, Xiaowei Ma, Jianchuan Wang
Clinical effect analysis of different treatment schemes for children with ulnar and radial double fractures
Clinical effect analysis of different treatment schemes for children with ulnar and radial double fractures
Patricia Gaggero, Eduardo Fenocchi, Cecilia Silva, Juan C. López-Alvarenga, Natalia Lambert, Fabián Batista, Sergio Sobrino-Cossío, Jonathan R. White, Adolfo Parra-Blanco
Identifying the best cutoff value of the fecal occult blood immunochemical test in the detection of advanced and neoplastic colorectal lesions
Identifying the best cutoff value of the fecal occult blood immunochemical test in the detection of advanced and neoplastic colorectal lesions
Javier Arredondo-Montero, Mónica Bronte-Anaut, Carlos Bardají-Pascual
Thoracic lipoblastoma in a 6-year-old African male: a case report
Thoracic lipoblastoma in a 6-year-old African male: a case report
Luis C. Domínguez, Neil V. Vega-Peña, Eduardo Tuta-Quintero, Diego Sierra, Álvaro Sanabria
Construct validity of the TECS questionnaire for the quality of teamwork in surgery
Construct validity of the TECS questionnaire for the quality of teamwork in surgery
Víctor E. Corona-Montes, Jorge L. Barzallo-Sánchez, Juan E. Sánchez-Núñez, Rocío N. Gómez-López, Adolfo Pérez-García
Robot-assisted radical prostatectomy with Retzius-Sparing approach vs. modified Frankfurt: comparison of results at 1 year of follow-up
Robot-assisted radical prostatectomy with Retzius-Sparing approach vs. modified Frankfurt: comparison of results at 1 year of follow-up
Mustafa Azizoğlu, Salih Bayram, Bahattin Aydoğdu, Mehmet H. Okur
A rare cause of intestinal obstruction: sock ingestion
A rare cause of intestinal obstruction: sock ingestion